The Western Australian Outstanding Community Language Teacher Award is an annual event that was first organised in 2018 by CLWA in conjunction with the Office of Multicultural Interests to recognize and celebrate the contribution and professionalism of teachers working in community languages schools across the State.

Previous recipients of this prestigious award include:

  • 2018 –  Irina Yakimenko; Nominated by the Russian Cultural Learning Centre Mosaica.
  • 2019 –  Nirosha Dilhani Kapu Arachchilage; Nominated by the Perth Sinhala School.
  • 2021 –  Anja Reid; Nominated by the German Goethe Society Community Language School.
  • 2022 –  Cristina Tian; Nominated by the Chung Wah School – Morley Campus.
  • 2023 –  Poornima Mayurathan; Nominated by the South Tamil School of WA.

Details of the upcoming awards, including the nomination form and selection criteria, will be made available to participating community language schools at the appropriate annual date.